
things i want

Now that we actually have a little bit of discretionary income, it’s only natural that the mind wanders and imagines all the pretty and shiny things that were once a fantasy but now within reach. Hmmmm…. should we finally save up and get those new mattresses we’ve needed for years? How about re-painting the kitchen? Oooo! I know, let’s finally decorate the house! It’s only been 10 years since we’ve moved in!

Those things are definately on my “want” list. And reasonably within reach.

But, I’ll pass.

What i really want? Is my hips back. Since I’ve lost a little bit of weight and have been walking/jogging with my friend, the spare tire around my belly has been shrinking and I’m discovering a shape that I haven’t seen in a long, long time. Just when you begin to think that all your efforts have been for naught – you begin to see progress. I’m not putting on a bikini any day soon. But, it’s a small victory that inspires and motivates me to keep going.

Hellllllooo hips!

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